Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Stop Sippin Haterade

"Don't hate, it's too big a burden to bear."
- Martin Luther King Jr.

I love this quote. Well, I love everything that Martin Luther King Jr. stands for, but this quote of his stands out to me the most. Okay, maybe not as much as his world-renowned "I Have a Dream" speech, but this is definitely up there... Well, you get my point.

Anyway, I understand this quote to mean that you shouldn't hate others because it just causes too much trouble for yourself. When you spent your precious time hating other people, it takes away time that you could be doing something else - something more enjoyable than hate. Hate is such a strong emotion, and it takes so much effort and strength to exude, that it leaves you drained of other emotions.

I believe that hate is a toxic emotion. Once it starts, it spreads to those around you. If you spend all your time hating others, that's all that others will do when they associate with you. Its a viscous cycle that ends with everyone being unhappy. Its much easier to let things go, stop the hate, and move on with life. I think that's what Martin Luther King, Jr. was talking about.

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